Sponsorship Opportunities

In-Person Networking Event Sponsorships

Diamond Sponsor —  premiere placement on all marketing materials, recognition at the event &  complimentary event access for up to 4 guests. (Limit 1 per event) Member price: $1,000

Ruby Sponsor — Recognition on all marketing materials, recognition at the event, reserved space (if requested) to share information about your business and option to give a 2-minute presentation at the event. Includes 2 additional tickets to the event (Sponsor + 2 guests) (Limit 2 per event) Member price: $500

Sapphire Sponsor —  Reserved space to share information about your business and give a 2 minute presentation. Includes 2 additional tickets to the event (Sponsor + 2 guests) (limit 2 per event) Member price: $100

Event scholarship — Pay it forward! Your $20 contribution allows us to offer subsidized or free registration options.

Virtual Education Session Sponsorships

Diamond Sponsor — Premiere placement on all marketing materials for this session (as time allows in the promotion cycle). Recognition during the session, and 2 minutes to speak before the presentation begins. (Limit 1 per event) Member price: $1000

Ruby Sponsor — Recognition on all marketing materials (as time allows in the promotion cycle), recognition at the event. 2 minutes of speaking time at the end of the session. (Limit 2 per event) Member price: $500

Event scholarship — Pay it forward! Your $20 contribution allows us to offer subsidized or free registration options. 

Annual Program Sponsorships

Platinum-Level Corporate Partners may designate up to $2,500 of their contribution to an ORPIB Program.

$5,000 Program Sponsorship — Premiere sponsor placement of Name, Logo, Link on Program webpage. Premiere recognition on all program materials, including e-newsletter, social posts, blog posts, and Program Promotion emails. Share information about your business or organization with program participants.

$1,000 Program Sponsorship — Secondary placement of Name, Logo, Link on Program webpage. Recognition of sponsorship on all program materials, including e-including e-newsletter, social posts, blog posts, and Program Promotion emails

$500 Program Sponsorship — Secondary placement of Name, Logo, Link on Program webpage only.

Promotion Channels & Impact

Our capacity to promote events and thank sponsors is somewhat dependent on volunteer capacity.  ORPIB promotes our in-person and virtual events on our website, e-newsletter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, at minimum. 

At in-person events, Sponsors are acknowledged in tabletop signage and in a looping slideshow.

Virtual education sessions are recorded and archived for ongoing Member access, even further extending the reach of your sponsorship. 

Sponsorship Opportunities for Non-Members

Sponsorship fees above are the rate for ORPIB Members and Partners. Non-Members may be allowed to purchase sponsorships with Committee approval at higher rate. Please inquire with interest. info@orpib.com.

Upcoming Opportunities

Click below to see our Calendar of Scheduled Events and register as a Sponsor. To discuss Sponsorship opportunities for your organization, email us at info@orpib.com and we’ll connect you with ORPIB’s Sponsorship Coordinator.

Connective | Courageous | Committed