Corporate Partnership

Partner with ORPIB

We Highlight You

From feature blog posts to signage at events, we demonstrate your dedication to Oregon’s greater LGBTQ+ community.

Connect with the Community

ORPIB connects you to Oregon’s exciting LGBTQ+ business community. Diversify your suppliers with direct access to fellow Partners and Members.

Make a Difference

Your partnership supports our Programs, like mentorship, career-readiness courses, and incubator.

Partnership Levels

Bronze Partner

  • Less than $1M gross annual revenue
  • $1,500 annual commitment
  • Standard Partner Benefits

Silver Partner

  • Over $1M gross annual revenue
  • $2,500 annual commitment 
  • Standard Partner Benefits

Gold Partner

  • Over $1M gross annual revenue
  • $5,000 annual commitment
  • Enhanced Partner Benefits

Platinum Partner

  • Any business size
  • $10,000 annual commitment
  • Premium Partner Benefits

Corporate Partner Benefits

Standard (All Levels) Corporate Partner Benefits

  • Inclusion in LGTBQ+ business community network
  • Demonstrated dedication to LGBTQ+ business community
  • Signage and sponsorship at ORPIB events varies by level
  • Increased opportunities for supplier diversity
  • Inclusion in a values-based business community
  • Direct access to LGBTQ+ business owners
  • Listing on Partners page of ORPIB website features vary by level
  • Acknowledgement in ORPIB’s quarterly e-newsletter to membership
  • Priority invitation for expanded event and program sponsorship opportunities

Enhanced Benefits of Gold Partnership

  • Feature article once annually in ORPIB’s quarterly e-newsletter to membership

  • Highlighted signage at ORPIB events

Premium Platinum Benefits

  • Recognition for support of one program
  • Lunch with ORPIB board member or other experience-based benefit to connect with mission and programming


Connective | Courageous | Committed