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Community Agreements

Community Agreements

ORPIB members must agree with working to uphold these guidelines.

Names and Pronouns

When introducing yourself, please share your name and pronouns to make sure we can fully respect you – after all there is nothing sweeter than the sound of one’s own correct name and pronoun.

One Mic

Only one person speaks at a time, and the rest of the group actively listens and reflects back what they have heard, or asks clarifying questions, before adding to the conversation with the goal of understanding.

"I" Statements

When sharing your perspective, please use “I” statements to avoid generalizing about the experiences of other people or groups.

Assume Good Will

Come to the table with a beginners mind, open to learning from new perspectives and ideas that may differ from your own.


Show up when we commit, understand we are all busy, and honor our collective time to get our goals accomplished together through active participation and contributions.

Connective | Courageous | Committed